Monday, July 27, 2009

New Car

At 18 months, we realized the twins needed a Little Tyke Cozy Coup car. However, what we didn't realize is that we needed two cars for the twins.
We started the day purchasing a red and yellow car, brought it home and assembled it. However, after 20 minutes of it being together and an all out brawl, we were back out to the store to buy the second one, a pink and periwinkle car!

And to celebrate this momentous occasion, we all had personalized candy bars with the date of the new car purchase!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hammock Day!

Summer is in full swing - it's time to slow down and to relax by celebrating Hammock Day! This is a day to hang out and enjoy spending time in a hammock!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Lobster Lunch

We are very excited to be attending the Lobster Lunch sponsored by Magic Beans and Phil and Teds. They are introducing their new "Lobster Chair" and asked us to provide chocolate bars to all the attendees!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Teddy Bear Picnic!

Who doesn't have a favorite teddy bear memory? I still have my bear from when I was a child sitting in my twins room now. Honor those memories today by taking your teddy bears out and having a picnic with them.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Birthday Greetings

Did you know that The White House will send your newborn a birthday card? Just send the following information: Baby's name, address, and date of birth to: White House Greetings Office, Room 39, Washington, DC 20500. What a cool way to say Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Chocolate Day

It is rainy and dreary outside so what better way to create a smile than celebrating Chocolate Day!

Chocolate is America's favorite flavor. It's the flavor of choice in candies, ice cream, cakes, breakfast cereal, toppings, and a whole host of desserts. Unequaled in popularity, it certainly deserves a day in it's honor.

We don't need to tell you what to do to celebrate this day, do we? Eat Chocolate!